We all toot, fluff, fart or whatever you want to call that embarrassing and possibly cancer-preventing air escaping our guts.

Some make money on products fighting it. Others embrace it for its entertainment value, taking their living from it.

Didja know one of the first recorded ancient Sumer writings contained a fart joke? The Athenians found flatulence funny too, as did Chaucer.

In the Medieval times, flatulists were as popular as flutists, roaming England, Ireland, and France, performing musical tooting feats.

More popular than the 12 musical flatulists was a man named Roland the Farter. Every Christmas, King Henry ll called upon him for his comedic ability to break wind at will. They say it’s all about timing in a joke. He nailed it enough that Henry may have been the second king in his line to call upon Roland’s unusual talents.

The Book of Fees says the man was well-rewarded for his lifetime of service– gaining a manor house and acres of land.

Bu such things eventually fall out of favor. After a long lifetime of making lords , ladies, princes and princesses laugh, house and land were pulled from poor Roland.

Indeed, fame and favor tend to…fizzle

This has been your tootin’ Tuesday Trivia Tidbit