This is a temple tree. It looks dead on many of the branches. But then a dead-looking branch will push out a leaf or a flower. Healthy leaf. Gorgeous flower. In the Bible it talks about pruning branches that don’t bear fruit, and I have often wondered if...
Four years ago today, I was hiking with two of my favorite guys. Under my hat, I had a twelve inch scar from ear to ear, and short stubbly hair growing around it. “Interesting choice of hair style,” a lady judged soon after. Yes. In that hairstyle, I chose...
The past nine/ten months– the time it takes to grow a baby– we have had broken ribs, brother hit by a bus with nasty recovery, bladder cancer diagnosis, operation, treatments, seizures, scads of discouragement, tragic loss by dear ones, a freaky home...
You are valuable–the lost coin, the sheep God leaves the 99 to find. You are so loved!!! Don’t believe that you are too damaged, too imperfect, too anything that makes you less- than. You so matter. A thought going through my head today that I thought...
Yaaaaahooo! For my current story, I have had a blast researching everything from Victorian undergarments to Coastal Salish traditions. Some days, real life troubles kept me from writing the struggles and joys of my fictional and historical characters. Other days, I...